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October 2024
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On the Road to Recovery…
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 12:45 pm

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously declared Tuesday, October 24th "Oil Addiction Awareness Day". In an effort to spotlight this alarming epidemic, 50 dedicated "doctors and nurses" hit the streets of San Francisco to educate the public about the nasty side effects of oil addiction, which include global warming, poor air quality and a dangerous dependence on foreign energy imports from unstable countries. By voting Yes on Prop 87, our medical experts explained,
we could develop the clean, renewable and domestic fuel sources that would cure so much of what ails this country.

An airplane banner flies the message over the Ferry Plaza. These banners can be seen flying during rush hour traffic all this week.*

Our two head doctors, Adam & JP, prepare the Prop 87 Medical Staff for the task:

San Francisco’s Assessor-Recorder, Phil Ting, gives the crowd a rousing speech:

With prescription pads and a sense of purpose, doctors and nurses take to the streets:


Doctors and nurses stage dozens of interventions on unsuspecting oil addicts:

Also on the scene were plug-in hybrids, electric-powered and biodiesel-powered vehicles — providing a diverse representation of what the future of clean transportation fuels and technologies can look like (if we vote Yes on Prop 87).

Plenty of press was on hand to cover the event, including the local Fox affiliate, KTVU. Ming Pao and Sing Tao, two popular Chinese dailies, both featured the event — to see the clips, click here and here. (My Chinese is a bit rusty, but I’m pretty sure they both say that voting YES on Prop 87 is a no brainer).

Air America’s EcoTalk will air an interview with Adam Browning on Friday between 9pm - 10pm. And we are also happy to report that Univision will be broadcasting an interview on Prop 87 next Tuesday at 6pm. We’ll continue to link to press as it becomes available.

Many thanks to our participating doctors and nurses, as well as to our friends at Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), Rainforest Action Network (RAN) and Sierra Club SF Group for help organizing and spreading the word. Thanks to Plug-In Bay Area for the plug-in and electric cars.

To view other images from the day’s event, click here. (Thanks to Matt Leonard of RAN for the great documentation!)

–Gwen Rose

This effort was sponsored by our members and the Vote Solar Action Fund.

Vote Solar Action Fund
182 Second Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94105
ph. (415) 874-7435

*Note: This was a carbon-free event. To compensate for the carbon emissions associated with the airplane banners, carbon off-sets were purchased from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation.